
Invesco Bulletshares 2025 High Yield Corporate Bond Etf Stock (BSJP) Dividend Overview

  • Invesco Bulletshares 2025 High Yield Corporate Bond Etf (BSJP) currently pays a dividend of $0.1237 per share with annual dividend yield of 6.42% and price-to-earnings ratio of -.
  • Invesco Bulletshares 2025 High Yield Corporate Bond Etf (BSJP) pays out a dividend twelve times per year. Monthly payment frequency should be carefully considered as it can affect investors’ investment strategy.
  • Invesco Bulletshares 2025 High Yield Corporate Bond Etf (BSJP) most recent ex-dividend date occurred on November 18, 2024 with dividend payment of $0.1237 per share received on November 22, 2024. Shareholders eligible for this dividend payment owned BSJP stock before or on this ex-dividend date.
Ex-dividend date
Annual Dividend
Dividend Yield
P/E Ratio

Invesco Bulletshares 2025 High Yield Corporate Bond Etf Stock (BSJP) Dividend History

Table below shows the detailed dividend history of Invesco Bulletshares 2025 High Yield Corporate Bond Etf Stock (BSJP). In 2024, the first Invesco Bulletshares 2025 High Yield Corporate Bond Etf’s dividend date was on January 22, 2024 with a dividend of $0.1619 per share, representing a -25.92% decrease from $0.2186 per share on December 18, 2023. This decline in BSJP’s dividend pay out can signal a negative financial performance of the company; however, further research should be conducted to understand the company’s change in dividend payment. We recommend investors to review dividend dates and payments carefully with the aim to gain insights on the company’s strategy.
Ex/EFF Date Type Cash amount Declaration date Record date Payment date
11/18/2024 CD $0.1237 11/15/2024 11/18/2024 11/22/2024
10/21/2024 CD $0.1255 10/18/2024 10/21/2024 10/25/2024
09/23/2024 CD $0.1222 09/20/2024 09/23/2024 09/27/2024
08/19/2024 CD $0.1217 08/16/2024 08/19/2024 08/23/2024
07/22/2024 CD $0.1202 07/19/2024 07/22/2024 07/26/2024
06/24/2024 CD $0.1109 06/21/2024 06/24/2024 06/28/2024
05/20/2024 CD $0.1099 05/17/2024 05/21/2024 05/24/2024
04/22/2024 CD $0.1095 04/19/2024 04/23/2024 04/26/2024
03/18/2024 CD $0.1082 03/15/2024 03/19/2024 03/22/2024
02/20/2024 CD $0.1253 02/16/2024 02/21/2024 02/23/2024
01/22/2024 CD $0.1619 01/19/2024 01/23/2024 01/26/2024
12/18/2023 CD $0.2186 12/15/2023 12/19/2023 12/22/2023
11/20/2023 CD $0.1429 11/17/2023 11/21/2023 11/24/2023
10/23/2023 CD $0.1414 10/20/2023 10/24/2023 10/27/2023
09/18/2023 CD $0.1316 09/15/2023 09/19/2023 09/22/2023
08/21/2023 CD $0.1389 08/18/2023 08/22/2023 08/25/2023
07/24/2023 CD $0.1367 07/21/2023 07/25/2023 07/28/2023
06/20/2023 CD $0.1179 06/16/2023 06/21/2023 06/23/2023
05/22/2023 CD $0.1239 05/19/2023 05/23/2023 05/26/2023
04/24/2023 CD $0.1132 04/21/2023 04/25/2023 04/28/2023
03/20/2023 CD $0.1183 03/17/2023 03/21/2023 03/24/2023
02/21/2023 CD $0.107 12/20/2022 02/22/2023 02/24/2023
01/23/2023 CD $0.1164 01/20/2023 01/24/2023 01/27/2023
12/19/2022 CD $0.1249 12/16/2022 12/20/2022 12/23/2022
11/21/2022 CD $0.1085 11/18/2022 11/22/2022 11/25/2022
10/24/2022 CD $0.1103 10/21/2022 10/25/2022 10/28/2022
09/19/2022 CD $0.1019 09/16/2022 09/20/2022 09/23/2022
08/22/2022 CD $0.1039 08/19/2022 08/23/2022 08/26/2022
07/18/2022 CD $0.0979 07/15/2022 07/19/2022 07/22/2022
06/21/2022 CD $0.0941 06/17/2022 06/22/2022 06/30/2022
05/23/2022 CD $0.0936 05/20/2022 05/24/2022 05/31/2022
04/18/2022 CD $0.0886 04/14/2022 04/19/2022 04/29/2022
03/21/2022 CD $0.0937 03/18/2022 03/22/2022 03/31/2022
02/22/2022 CD $0.0808 02/18/2022 02/23/2022 02/28/2022
01/24/2022 CD $0.0884 01/21/2022 01/25/2022 01/31/2022
12/20/2021 CD $0.0842 12/21/2021 12/31/2021
11/22/2021 CD $0.0862 11/19/2021 11/23/2021 11/30/2021
10/18/2021 CD $0.0853 10/19/2021 10/29/2021
09/20/2021 CD $0.0811 09/17/2021 09/21/2021 09/30/2021
08/23/2021 CD $0.0841 08/20/2021 08/24/2021 08/31/2021
07/19/2021 CD $0.0812 07/16/2021 07/20/2021 07/30/2021
06/21/2021 CD $0.088 06/18/2021 06/22/2021 06/30/2021
05/24/2021 CD $0.0914 05/21/2021 05/25/2021 05/28/2021
04/19/2021 CD $0.0868 04/16/2021 04/20/2021 04/30/2021
03/22/2021 CD $0.0922 03/19/2021 03/23/2021 03/31/2021
02/22/2021 CD $0.0863 02/19/2021 02/23/2021 02/26/2021
01/19/2021 CD $0.101 01/15/2021 01/20/2021 01/29/2021
12/21/2020 CD $0.0943 12/18/2020 12/22/2020 12/31/2020
11/23/2020 CD $0.1028 11/20/2020 11/24/2020 11/30/2020
10/19/2020 CD $0.1043 10/16/2020 10/20/2020 10/30/2020
09/21/2020 CD $0.0971 09/18/2020 09/22/2020 09/30/2020
08/24/2020 CD $0.097 08/21/2020 08/25/2020 08/31/2020
07/20/2020 CD $0.0934 07/17/2020 07/21/2020 07/31/2020
06/22/2020 CD $0.0963 06/19/2020 06/23/2020 06/30/2020
05/18/2020 CD $0.1039 05/15/2020 05/19/2020 05/29/2020
04/20/2020 CD $0.1053 04/17/2020 04/21/2020 04/30/2020
03/23/2020 CD $0.1071 03/20/2020 03/24/2020 03/31/2020
02/24/2020 CD $0.1006 02/21/2020 02/25/2020 02/28/2020
01/21/2020 CD $0.1124 01/17/2020 01/22/2020 01/31/2020
12/23/2019 CD $0.1212 01/16/2019 12/24/2019 12/31/2019
11/18/2019 CD $0.1129 01/16/2019 11/19/2019 11/29/2019
10/21/2019 CD $0.1198 01/16/2019 10/22/2019 10/31/2019
09/23/2019 CD $0.115 01/16/2019 09/24/2019 09/30/2019
08/19/2019 CD $0.1165 01/16/2019 08/20/2019 08/30/2019
07/22/2019 CD $0.1176 01/16/2019 07/23/2019 07/31/2019
06/24/2019 CD $0.1158 01/16/2019 06/25/2019 06/28/2019
05/20/2019 CD $0.1141 01/16/2019 05/21/2019 05/31/2019
04/22/2019 CD $0.1046 01/16/2019 04/23/2019 04/30/2019
03/18/2019 CD $0.122 03/15/2019 03/19/2019 03/29/2019
02/19/2019 CD $0.1043 01/16/2019 02/20/2019 02/28/2019
01/22/2019 CD $0.0986 01/16/2019 01/23/2019 01/31/2019
12/24/2018 CD $0.1739 12/21/2018 12/26/2018 12/31/2018
11/19/2018 CD $0.1216 11/16/2018 11/20/2018 11/30/2018
10/22/2018 CD $0.094 10/19/2018 10/23/2018 10/31/2018
09/24/2018 CD $0.1438 09/21/2018 09/25/2018 09/28/2018
08/20/2018 CD $0.0605 08/17/2018 08/21/2018 08/31/2018
08/02/2018 CD $0.1231 08/01/2018 08/03/2018 08/07/2018
07/03/2018 CD $0.0883 07/03/2018 07/05/2018 07/09/2018
06/04/2018 CD $0.1059 06/04/2018 06/05/2018 06/07/2018
05/02/2018 CD $0.1036 01/16/2018 05/03/2018 05/07/2018
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Cap:     |  Volume (24h):